Gueorgui Pinkhassov


Pinkhassov’s interest in photography began while he was still at school. After studying cinematography at the VGIK (the Moscow Institute of Cinematography), he went on to work at the Mosfilm studio and then as a set photographer, After moving to Paris in 1988, he was accepted as a nominee by Magnum Photos. ( Pinkhassov takes a lot of photos, but he only shows the ones that speak to him and come alive. Pinkhassov’s style of work turns mundane, everyday scenes into the abstract and the surreal. Each image is a kind of visual stream of consciousness. He says his work was inspired by Henri Carier-Bresson. Cartier-Bresson was the first person to use this method. Thanks to the invention of the Leica camera, he was able to work in the moment. I love the high contrast and bright colours, particularly red in Pinkhassov’s work. Below are some images of his work.




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