Final Images

The images you see on this page are my final four images I will be handing in for this project. Even though we didn’t have much time with this unit, and I had to change my idea at the last minute. I am happy with how these images have turned out. I am also pleased…

Test Shoot 5

These four images you see are other edits I have done towards this project. These images are strong images and some of the best ones I have taken in this unit. I am happy with how these images have turned out.

Test shoot 4 – Film

These images are the same images that you see in test shoot 3, this time however they are shoot on medium format using the Bronica. The images above are the edited images. As you can see I have edited them in black and white as well as colour, this was just to experiment what they looked…

Test shoot 3 – Digital

For this shoot, I used my digital camera. These images are the same as the images you see in test shoot 4. The reason why I shoot these images in digital and medium is so I can get a rough idea on how my images would look through the medium camera, and roughly see how long…

Test shoot 2

For this shoot I went back to the first location I went to on my first shoot. However, this time I used a medium format camera (Bronica Zenza). The above images are the edited images from this shoot, the images below are the unedited ones from this shoot. When I first processed these images and…

Change of Idea

When I first started this project, I wanted to shoot the night sky with the light pollution and stars like in my first project. However, the weather wasn’t working in my favour and the sky wasn’t clear enough for me to shoot showing the stars as it was too cloudy. This meant I had to…

Chrystel Lebas

Stemming from her interest in looking at how landscapes contain psychological significance in relation to visually concealed histories, Chrystel Lebas employs photography and the moving image, to address a wider understanding of the complex encounter between man and nature. The images I have looked at are Long exposures (Exposures of 30 minutes) taken with a…

Robert Adams – Summer Nights, Walking

I found a book by Robert Adams titled Summer Nights, Walking. I looked at this book as this artist does low lighting photography using film. Robert Adams (born Orange, New Jersey, 1937) is a major figure in New Topographics movement known for his photographs of the modern American West. The book layout is a visual tour from the…

Ian Forbes

when doing Research I came across Ian Forbes director of photography website which slowed him using low lighting. I also came across the trailer for a film called Seahorse which was filmed down Dungeness which is where I focused my images from my environment unit, most of the filming on this film is using low lighting when it is…